A Reflection from Thursday Daily Office.
I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. Luke 22:15
Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. John 17:24
I found myself overwhelmed with emotion this morning as I read Jesus’ prayer in John 17. Can we dare believe that his deepest desire is for us to ‘be with (him) where (he) is’ so that we not only ‘see (his) glory’ but come to truly share in it?
I found myself reflecting on the reading from Luke’s Gospel which we will read tonight at the Eucharist, and again was surprised – in a good way- at the ‘earnestness’ of his ‘desire’ to eat that particular Passover – and to eat it in such a way that he transformed it forever!
We KNOW what lay ahead of him that night. We KNOW what he had to do, had to suffer, in order for his desires for us to be fulfilled by his Father!
At the beginning of the Great Triduum (the Great Three Days – beginning with Maundy Thursday and ending in Easter Sunday), we are encouraged to believe that the momentous and world-changing events of these days were all to fulfill God’s desires for us! God’s desire for ‘communion and union’ with us!
Bear this in mind as you come (and I do hope you will come! I trust that you will overcome the wiles of the enemy that makes you reluctant to expose yourself to these events, and intentionally and deliberately show up!) to our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services, culminating in our Easter celebration.
Easter Triduum Services:
Can I also remind us that as we come tonight that we not park on the south side of 37th Street (the side of the street closest to the building), as our friends at Knox also have a service this evening.
Child care will be provided at all services for our youngest members.
Please do you best to be on time this weekend (6:00 pm starts for both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday; plan now on arriving at 9:45 am for Easter!).
But mostly, come daring to believe that the One who loved you into being, has loved you into newness of life, so that he may share his life, his glory, his majesty with you for all of eternity.