Week of April 22, 2018

This Week at Christ the Redeemer:
Our Leadership Council met last Saturday and, among many other things, addressed our approach to ‘Communications’ with all of us. We concluded that while we have been doing our best to keep all of us informed about the many things going on around, within, and through Christ the Redeemer, the sheer volume of the communications were getting out of hand. We decided to collect all announcements and send them out (with appropriate ‘links’) in our ‘Update’ on Thursday mornings.
Here is what we ask of all of us: If you have an announcement that you desire to get out to the community, please send it to Amy (ctrsec@gmail.com) by Wednesday afternoon at the latest. (Please note: Emergencies or unusually time-sensitive announcements will be excepted from this general policy).
Here are some of the things you need to know this week:

Some Missional News:

  • Mbyo Agricultural Update: We have received a report from Innocent in Rwanda updating us on the strides the farmers in Mbyo are making applying the principles taught by our friends at ECHO during our last visit. You can see the report on the table in the Fellowship Hall or view here. For more information visit our Mbyo Parish, Rwanda ministry page.
  • Park Place School Luncheon takes place on Tuesday, May 1 from 11:00 am -12:30 pm. We have had a connection with the school since its re-birth, and it may be that God is asking us to deepen that connection in this next phase of life. All are encouraged to attend to find out more about the school. The luncheon is free (there will be a Silent Auction). Please RSVP to aphillips@parkplaceschool.org

Preparing for Pentecost:

  • The Feast of Pentecost falls on May 20th this year.  The celebration of the gift of the Spirit is a perfect time for Baptisms. If you wish to be baptized, or to have a child baptized, please speak to Brian+ as soon as possible. We will be posting the dates for baptismal preparation in the next week.
  • The Annual CtR Talent Show returns on the Eve of Pentecost—Saturday, May 19 (Covered dish supper from 5:45 to 6:15, followed by the Talent Show and Family Friendly Evening Prayer). Please note, the Talent Show is for all ages, and can be either serious or silly. Come ready to ‘share your gift’, even as we gather to give thanks to the Giver of all gifts.

Some Ministry Considerations:

  • Pastoral Care: At our Congregational Dinner in February some members raised concerns about aspects of our pastoral care. If you have a passion for pastoral care, and a desire to see Christ the Redeemer excel in the exercise of such care, would you contact Brian+ and indicate your interest in a discussion about, and our development of, pastoral care.
  • Ministry to, with, and for Youth (and the Families of Youth): Our Leadership Council has designated our ministry to Youth as a priority in this next phase of life. However, we need to grapple with what that will look like within Christ the Redeemer. If you have a passion for youth, and a desire to see our community disciple and equip and love on our youth (and to disciple, equip, and love on ‘Families’ of our youth), then you are invited to participate in a discussion following worship on Sunday, May 6, 2018.  Plan now to be a part of this, and be praying for direction and wisdom for us all.

    Some News on our Search:

    I (Brian+) have been conducting some initial Skype interviews this week of the most promising candidates. Our hope is that from this initial group some will be chosen to undergo a second conversation involving the Wardens. Please continue to pray for the direction and enabling of the Spirit in and through the process.
    Looking forward to worshipping with you all on Sunday.