Here are some of the things you need to know this week:
First, Our Women’s Retreat takes place this weekend (April 22-24) at Camp Chanco on the James River. Thirty-eight women have registered (a record number). Please pray for Jennifer as she speaks at the retreat, for all the other leaders who play essential roles within it, for safe travel for all and for God’s presence to be known and enjoyed in and through it all. (Pray as well for the husbands and fathers who are ‘left behind’–especially the young fathers!).
Second, Our Second Annual Mission Sunday takes place on May 1st. We will celebrate our connection with Compassion Ministries during the worship service, and then set that connection within our larger, global mission in and with Rwanda during the lunch that follows. Please set this day aside and plan to stay for the lunch and presentation.
Third, Our Vacation Bible School is set for the week ofJune 27- July 1. We all can help with the preparation by contributing to the “supplies” needed for the sessions. Please see the list posted on the VBS Webpage or on the bulletin board in the hallway next to the Women’s restroom.
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday (in person or in spirit–for those at the retreat!).