Week of August 28 of Pentecost

Rev. Campbell continues on his vacation this week.  Please continue to keep him and his family in your prayers.

Here are some of the headlines for the week:

WELCOME AND THANK YOU TO HAL SCOTT AND NILE GOMEZ:  This coming Sunday we welcome with much appreciation Hal Scott and Nile Gomez who will serve as celebrant and preacher, respectively.   Thank you also to Doris Gomez who will assist with welcoming, introductions and announcements.

THANK YOU FOR THE WELCOME AND SUPPORT EXTENDED TO JENNIFER BROWN as she begins her work as Director of Children and Family Ministry.  Additional copies of her introduction letter are available at the entrance to the sanctuary.  Jennifer is working on organizing the rooms and facilities for the variety of age groups.  Parents of Sunday School-aged children are welcome to join the Sunday School class on September 7, where breakfast will be served.  After worship services, Mike Mabrey invites parents of youth-aged children to join him for a planning session.  There will also be a meeting of home and small group leaders after worship with Rev. Campbell.

And, we have something to add to our wish-list:  If anyone has a bulletin board to donate, it would be very much appreciated.  
Contact Jennifer  the office.

WELCOME TO THE WORLD BABY MABREY:  Jennifer has set-up a meal planner on TakeThemAMeal.com.  If you are able to participate, please log-on and make your entry.  Thank you to those who have already signed up.   Go to http://www.TakeThemAMeal.com
Recipient Last Name: Mabrey   Password: Baby

THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED ABOUT THE RWANDA SLIDESHOW:  We hope to post something on the website soon.  Special thanks to Keith Andrus for working on setting that up.

REMINDER TO PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND SEPTEMBER 7 when Emily-Louise and Jennifer will be commissioned during the worship service.

PLEASE MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE ON YOUR CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 12-14 — THE WEEKEND WITH BISHOP STEVE AND SALLY BREEDLOVE AND NILE’S ORDINATION.  On Saturday at 7:00 PM everyone is encouraged to attend a Coffee and Desert reception in the Fellowship Hall where there will be opportunity to meet and greet the Bishop and his wife.   The visit will culminate on Sunday with a very special service:  the Ordination to the Deaconate of Nile Gomez

ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE IS BACK!  Hank has prepared a poster about this program and you are encouraged to take a look.  Teaching ESL is an important part of the international student ministry.  Hank will be teaching the one-hour class effective September 7 on Sundays at 3 PM at the ODU Perry Library, Collaboration Rm 7.   

MORE CHAIRS:  Oh what a cheerful, full house we had on Wednesday when about 50 new chairs arrived.  Thank you to everyone who was able to and did answer Janie’s call for help in bringing in and setting up this new furniture.  Even the workers out on 37th Street gave a hand.  

AND LAST, BUT YET A FEAST:   Pot-Luck is this coming Sunday, August 31.  Please participate.  

As Rev. Brian said in his email before vacation:  
Let us be prayerfully expectant as we come to the end of the summer. 
Let us be open and responsive to the Spirit’s prompting and leading. 
Let us always be about seeking the King and the extension of his Kingdom!
May the peace of God be with us all.