This weekend marks the end of our Epiphany Season and orients us towards the Season of Lent. Here are some of the things you need to know this week:
First, Saturday, February 25th promises to be a big (and busy) day!
Our Annual ‘Lenten Inter-generational Event’ takes place at the church on Saturday from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. We will gather to have some fun, eat some pancakes, and prepare ourselves and our families for the Lenten journey. To aid in the preparation for the event we are sending out an ‘Evite’ and request your prompt response (by Friday morning, which will allow us to get an accurate head-count for dinner). Here is the link for that evite:
Brother Tim will be ordained to the priesthood through his order, the Company of Jesus. The Bishop of the Order (former Bishop of the Diocese of the Great Lakes, ACNA) will preside and celebrate the ordination. It begins at 2 pm on Saturday and takes place at Hampton Roads Church, 14425 Old Courthouse Way, Newport News, VA 23608.
Park Place School’s ‘Gala Banquet’ takes place on Saturday from 4:00- 6:00 pm at Norfolk’s Waterside Marriott. For more information contact Pete Fraser at
Second, Lent begins with our Ash Wednesday Service on March 1, 2017 at 6:00 pm. Mark your calendars now and plan to join with the community on a joyful Lenten journey.
Third, I have issued a “Call to Prayer” for our community during the Season of Lent as we seek to ‘Live into the Vision” that God has given to us. We will be providing resources to aid us in the answering of the call (a weekly Prayer Service, weekly prayer suggestions, etc).. As we commit to seek God’s direction together, I am convinced we will be led by the Spirit into God-directed strategies.
Fourth, the Leadership Council approved a request to purchase a new key board for our worship (one that will have a purer piano sound than our current 12 year old one). Several people have indicated that they would like to contribute towards the cost of the keyboard. If you would like to participate in this venture, please do so by marking the Memo line of your check ‘Keyboard‘.
Fifth, our Men’s Softball Team is now accepting registrations. If interested in signing up, please email Steven Dickens at Here are the details:
Registration is 2/27-3/31
Season begins April 14th
16 games on Tuesday nights
$30 per person for registration—make checks payable to Christ the Redeemer, with “softball” in the Memo line and give to Janie Atwood or place in the offering basket by Sunday, March 26th.
Lastly, we have a new devotional group starting up. The IHOP Late Morning Devotional Group meets the third Friday of each month at 11:00 am at the International House of Pancakes, 21st Street and Colonial Avenue. RSVP to Charles Kello at 757-464-5914 or by text 757-536-2805. Open to anyone interested and available to attend.
Looking forward to worshipping with you on Sunday.