Dear Friends
We leave tomorrow (July 22) for Rwanda and covet your prayers for the next 10 days. The team consists of Rob Slaughter, Kim Johnson, Scotti Johnson, Debra Bustetter, Maggie Fraser, Jordan O’Byrne, Claire Campbell and myself. Our hope is to communicate via email as we are able so keep on the look-out for any further updates. I attach the tentative schedule with this email (though it has already been changed significantly, it will at least show you the kinds of things we will be doing).
I pass on some good news as well today: Charles Jenkins came through his day-long surgery and is now in recovery mode. Please be in prayer for Charles in this new phase of his saga, and for Carolyn as she prays and waits for his recovery. Linda Richter will be the point person for the church as far as communication with the Jenkins (Charles will not be able to receive visitors until further notice). Please contact Linda ( for further information on Charles.Have a great week. I will look forward to seeing you all on August 3.
Brian Campbell