As the weather warms we near the end of our Lenten journey–the climactic end of Holy Week! Pray that all of our intentions, practices, and actions may be used by God to conform us more surely to the image of his Son.
Let me remind you of some of the things you need to know this week:
First, the clocks change this weekend! Remember to ‘spring ahead’ and be on time for worship on Sunday.
Second, if you have not yet done so, please RSVP for our Maundy Thursday dinner ( March 24 beginning at 6:00 pm). You can do so through the Evite that was sent out last week (you can also access the Evite here) or by signing up on Sunday (sheet is in the Fellowship Hall). The church will provide the chicken, we all are asked to bring a side. The important thing is to come and join in on this important night in the life of Jesus and of his church.
Third, be sure to mark your calendars with all of the dates and service times for Holy Week (you can find the schedule on our web site: or in the bulletin on Sunday).
Fourth, Jennifer Brown reminds the children to persevere in their service this week in order to raise the funds for a chicken or goat to be given to a needy family in Rwanda.
Fifth, please think of signing up for Hospitality. You can bring a little or a lot to share for Fellowship, and this is an easy and enjoyable way to serve.
Lastly, if you would like to contribute to the purchase of Easter Lilies for the Sanctuary, please make checks payable to Christ the Redeemer, memo ‘Easter Lilies’. If you would like to contribute “in Memory of” or “in Honor of” a loved one, please use one of the envelopes located on the table in the Narthex. Contributions can be placed in the offering baskets or mailed to the church.
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.