This Week at Christ the Redeemer
Dear Friends,
There are a number of things to note this week:
First, Some Comments on our Congregational Meeting:
We had a lively and informative time at our Congregational Meeting last Sunday evening. Thank you to all who participated and to all who prayed for our gathering. God has been gracious to Christ the Redeemer over the years, first, by calling us into being, and then by nurturing us into who we have become. God has also been gracious to us by stirring us up to ‘remember’ and ‘embrace’ that original vision, and to become more intentional in the nurturing of our community in living it out. Two things have come to the fore in this venture:
First, we have embraced the question for 2018: “Given ‘Who we are’ and ‘Where we are’, What is God asking of us this year—especially in terms of our local mission and in the building up of our Norfolk-hub”
Second, we have embraced the challenge of adding another member to our staff team who will help us answer that question and encourage us in our acting on it.
We ended the evening by committing to meet quarterly – after worship over a Pot Luck lunch – for further communication and conversation.
Second, Looking ahead to Holy Week:
We are half way through our Lenten Journey, which means that Holy Week is around the corner. Let me remind us all of the dates and times of the important events of this ‘Week of Weeks’:
The Sunday of the Passion, with Palm Procession: Sunday, March 25, 10:15 sharp!
We will gather in the Fellowship Hall and ‘Bless the Palm Branches’ then process into the Sanctuary to worship the King and prepare ourselves to embrace his Passion.
Maundy Thursday, Thursday, March 29, beginning at 6:00 pm:
We begin our service in the ‘Upper Room’ – our Fellowship Hall—where we will share a meal together and participate in the ‘Washing of our Feet’. We will then process together into the Sanctuary to celebrate the Eucharist, and end the service in the darkness of Gethsemane by ‘Stripping the Chancel’
Good Friday, Friday, March 30, beginning at 6:00 pm:
We gather in our stripped-down Sanctuary to reflect on the Passion and to Pray with and as the repentant and grateful Church.
Easter Day, The Day of Resurrection, Sunday, April 1, beginning at 10:15 sharp!
We start in the dark eager to hear the Angel’s proclamation-‘He is not here, he is risen!’ Then join in with ‘angels and archangels, and with all the company of heaven’ to praise the Triune God for the establishment of his Kingdom!
Third, A Final Call for Preparation!
If you are wishing to be baptized or to have a child baptized during the Easter Season, please speak to Brian+ as soon as possible. We are scheduling baptisms for the Sunday after Easter, April 8, and will determine the appropriate times for preparation shortly.
If you wish your child to participate in the ‘First Communion Preparation’ day on Saturday, March 31st, please speak to Jennifer Brown as soon as possible.
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.