Our Tenth Anniversary Weekend is fast approaching. Here are some of the ways you can help out:
First, we need some water pitchers and/or carafes suitable for the tables (13 in all!). If you have one or two of these and can drop them off at the church this week or bring them with you to the dinner (arriving early enough to get them filled and on the tables!), or if needed, we can pick them up, please let Georgia (ctrsec@gmail.com) or Janis know (janiscampbell58@gmail.com).
Second, we are producing a ‘Time Line’ of our history and would love to have you bring any pictures or mementos you have that you would like to share (baptisms, VBS’s, International Student memories, Small group memories, etc).
Third, remember to sign-up on Perfect Pot Luck and tell us what side dish you will be able to bring. Here is the link: http://www.perfectpotluck.com/meals.php?t=BUNQ1058 If you have trouble with accessing the link, you can go to www.perfectpotluck.com login: Christ the Redeemer password: dinner
Fourth, please do your best to be on time (6:30 pm to start!). We have a lovely and full evening planned and want to honor our ending time of 8:30 pm (for those with young children attending!).
Fifth, while I’m at this, let me urge us all to be ‘early’ for worship on Sunday. We will start on time with a Procession with Bishop Quigg. Pray for those being confirmed or received on Sunday.
Finally, take some time this week to remember and give thanks for all that God has done in us and through us over the past years. Take some time to pray for our future as well, that God would be gracious and continue to lead us and to shape us in the coming years.