Here are some of the you need to be aware of this week at Christ the Redeemer:
KITCHEN DE-CLUTTERING – A number of containers, serving plates and pans have been left behind from various pot-lucks/hospitality functions. In an effort to de-clutter our small kitchen, those items have been placed on a table in the Fellowship Hall. Please check the table this Sunday and see if any of the pieces belong to you. Anything left on the table will be eventually donated to charity.
DISCIPLESHIP HOUR returns on Sunday, September 10 at 9 am. Our focus this Fall will be on the “Stewarding of our God-given Resources” – both our finances and our own personal gifts. Details of the courses may be found on our website ( and in the insert in the bulletin.
NEW WOMEN’S COURSES – We have two opportunities for the women of the church to gather for study and fellowship: Wednesday nights at 7 pm beginning September 13 and Thursday mornings at 9:15 beginning September 14. Details of the courses may be found on the website and in the bulletin insert. All women are encouraged to come to one or both of these opportunities.
HELP NEEDED – We need some folks with trucks to help us take down a wall on Saturday, September 9 from 11 am – 1 pm. If you can help please contact Bob Atwood (314) 614-8629.
LOOKING AHEAD – There are two important dates to place on your calendar:
a. Sunday, September 10 after Worship: Congregational Meeting. Our Leadership Council has been busy this year on multiple fronts and want to share with those who are able to be in worship that day. Plan now to stay after Worship and hear about these exciting developments.
b. Friday October 6 – Sunday, October 8: Our Annual visit from Bishop Steve and Sally Breedlove. Plan now on being in Worship on Sunday, October 8. Bishop Breedlove will be addressing all of us during the Discipleship Hour that morning, then will preach, celebrate and confirm at the service to following.
HURRICANE HARVEY RELIEF – The destruction has been devastating for those living in the western Gulf states. If you are looking for a way to help those impacted by the storm, please consider the Anglican Relief and Development Fund. (More information about the fund may be found here: You can help by donating through the Anglican Relief and Development Fund there.