
As Anglicans, our pattern of worship is shaped both by Scripture and the tradition of the Church through the centuries. Our mission is to reach Hampton Roads and the world with the transforming love of Jesus Christ. In worship, discipleship, and mission – hospitably, humbly, and faithfully – we invite you to share in the fullness of life in Christ!

Sunday Mornings at Christ the Redeemer

Worship and celebration of the Lord’s Supper is held every Sunday at 9:30am.

We meet at 107 Seekel Street in Norfolk, Virginia.

Childcare is available during the service until Communion for infants and toddlers. We also offer two children’s chapels (2-4 year olds, and  5 year olds – 5th grade) for children during the sermon time.

All are welcome.

Live+Stream of our Sunday morning service at 9:30am.

Links to the Live+Streams are available HERE.

Please join us for a Christmas Eve service and Christmas Day service

Christmas Eve Service – 5 p.m. Holy Communion with Candle lighting. Pre-service Carols begin at 4:45 p.m.

Christmas Day Service – 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist & Celebration. An intimate and joyful service welcoming the Christ child.

Giving to Christ The Redeemer

Thank you so much for your prayers and support of Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church. Your gifts and offerings of any amount, as the Lord leads, makes it possible for us to share God’s unconditional love and unending hope through our outreach locally, regionally and internationally. As you give, may you also be blessed. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Malachi 3:10 (NIV).

We have several methods by which you can give:

  1. In Person using the Sunday Offering Basket
  2. By Mail: Checks made payable to Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church may be mailed to us at 9200 Tidewater Drive, Norfolk, VA 23503.
  3. Online: https://christtheredeemer.churchcenter.com/giving
    ACH and credit/debit card transactions can be completed through the Giving section of our Church Center app.  In the app you can: store your preferred payment method; set up recurring or one-time gifts, choose which funds you would like to give to, see your most up-to-date statements.  You can also choose to include the transaction fee with your gift. Follow the link to give safely and securely through Christ the Redeemer Church Center: https://christtheredeemer.churchcenter.com/giving
  4. Using Bill Pay: An Automatic Clearing House (ACH) transaction can be set up in your bank’s Bill Pay system.  For reference, the church’s phone number is (757) 226-8700 and may be required for completing the transfer.