Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6
During this season of Social Distancing surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic, please continue reading for important related information:
- Corporate Worship
- Summer Beta Program
- Online Giving
- Sunday Morning Live+Streaming
- Maintaining Community
Regatherings and Corporate Worship
The word “Church” literally means “the assembled gathering,” as such, it is vitally important for us to regather, but to do so in a way that is charitable, loving toward our neighbors, and in accordance with all governmental and ecclesiastical authorities. In keeping with the most recent Executive Order from the Governor; masks are optional for those who are fully vaccinated and social distancing is only required in the Children’s Chapel and in designated seats in the Transepts.
Sunday morning Holy Communion
Beginning on June 6th, 2021 we have entered our fourth stage of reopening. This stage includes returning to one service of Holy Communion on Sunday mornings.
- 9:30am with Children’s Chapel
Registration is only required for the 6ft distanced seats, the nursery, and the Children’s Chapel. To register, click here.
With Episcopal permission, we recommenced receiving Communion in both kinds (Bread and Wine) on Maundy Thursday, 2021. To see how our Communion Protocols work currently, please watch this video.
Tuesday and Thursday Morning Prayer
On Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:30am we will have Morning Prayer in the Sanctuary. Morning Prayer is a short, worshipful service full of scripture and prayer.
BETA: a dinner and conversation hour exploring topics of the Christian faith.
Are you or do you know someone asking questions about the purpose of life, Christian claims, spirituality? Are you just stuck and want to go deeper? Join Janis Campbell, Justin Seligman, and Fr. David for a 10 week summer offering beginning June 24th and Thursdays thereafter from 6-8pm. Examples of topics include: Is there more to life than this? Who is God, who are we, and what about the church? How do I pray? Read the bible?
Reach out to Janis, Justin, or Fr. David for more info and to RSVP contact the church office.
Online Giving
There are two ways you can give into the ministry of Christ the Redeemer during this time:
- By mailing your check to Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church, P.O. Box 9632 Norfolk, Virginia 23505.
- Online giving is made easy, safe and secure through PayPal. You can set up an online account to give one-time or recurring payments with your credit or debit card, Your transactions will appear on your statement as “CTRNORFOLK”. Just click HERE to get started.
Thank you for your heart of giving. May the Lord bless you.
Although our utmost desire is to worship our Lord and Savior together and in person, during this time we will continue our Live+Streaming of our Sunday morning service at 9:30am.
Links to the Live+Streams are available HERE.
A note about Live+Streaming: We will be using the Christ the Redeemer Facebook page in order to host our service; however, you do NOT need a Facebook account in order to watch the service. Just click on the link and you will be able to watch.
Although a Facebook account is not required to watch the service, we highly recommend that if you have a Facebook account that you follow our Facebook page in order to stay as up to date as possible with life at the Church.
Maintaining Community
During this time of separation, your Life Group leaders will be your focal points of contact. They will stay in touch with you. Please let them know of any need that you may have so that not one member of our family may be forgotten.
The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you, and remain with you always. Amen.