
We are always glad to welcome visitors and members alike.

A printed bulletin and information on screens at the front will help guide you through the service. We follow a liturgical form of worship that always includes celebration of Holy Communion.

Please, come as you are. We worship in all varieties of dress from business suits to jeans and t-shirts.

Children are a special blessing and very welcome! Nursery is provided for infants through age 2. Prior to the sermon, children from pre-school to high school age are invited to attend Sunday School classes and return to their families for Communion.

Here are a few helpful hints that will help guide you through our Sunday service. Do not hesitate to ask anyone for assistance. We pray that God will meet you here, in and through our worship together.

Holy Communion
All baptized people are welcome to receive Communion. At the appropriate time, you will be invited to come forward and receive the Bread. You may either eat it and proceed to the Cup and sip the Wine, or take Bread and dip it into the Cup and then consume it. Our Bread is gluten-free. If you have not been baptized or do not wish to receive Holy Communion, you are encouraged to come forward for a blessing. To do so, just join the line and when you come to the Pastor, cross your arms over your chest.

Prayer Teams
If you desire prayer for yourself or someone you love, please seek out our “Prayer Team” after receiving the Bread and Wine. They will be stationed at the front of the church and can be identified by the Prayer Team name tag with the red ribbon. You may also use the enclosed “Prayer Request” card to make prayer needs known.

Children and Youth
Nursery care is available for our youngest attendees. So that the nursery volunteers can receive Holy Eucharist, please pick up your child after the “Passing of the Peace.”

Pre-schoolers through fifth graders begin the service with their families and are invited to leave after the reading of the Gospel for their own age-appropriate learning time. Please note: They will return to their families for Communion.

If you are worshipping with us for the first time, please allow the offering basket to “pass you by.” We are here to serve you.

Please join us immediately after the service for a time of Hospitality and Fellowship, and enjoy some coffee and fellowship offered by members of our congregation.

On occasion we enjoy a Pot Luck Community Lunch together. There is always plenty of food, so please stay and have a meal with us if you are visiting.

These times of fellowship are a great way to develop relationships and find out more about Christ the Redeemer. We welcome you to linger and chat.