Discipleship Hour

Discipleship Hour: Sundays 11:15-noon

At Christ the Redeemer we are committed to being a community of “Disciples who Make Disciples.” Eager to deepen that commitment, a ‘Discipleship Hour’ for adults, youth and children  will take place prior to worship seasonally each week. 

Our Rector, Trevor Spencer, will offer a special Lenten series on learning to hear God’s voice beginning February 18 after church. The Christian Life is meant to be marked by a closeness to God in which we regularly communicate with him which is almost always a two way street? Join us this Lent as we not only speak to God but learn to hear his voice and what he’s saying to us.

In addition, our Youth Discipleship Hour will focus on praying the Lord’s prayer and Children will focus on “journeying through the life, teaching, death, and resurrection of  Christ.”  We will look at the events of Holy Week and Easter and why we remember these events.