Corporate Worship during COVID-19
Regatherings and Corporate Worship
The word “Church” literally means “the assembled gathering,” as such, it is vitally important for us to regather, but to do so in a way that is charitable, loving toward our neighbors, and in accordance with all governmental and ecclesiastical authorities. We are reopening on Tuesday, June 23rd with Morning Prayer in the Church and then continuing with outside evening prayer on Saturday, June 27th, and Holy Communion in the Sanctuary on June 28th. Continue reading for more information on these services:
Sunday morning Holy Communion
Each Sunday morning approximately 50 people will be able to gather inside and join in the live+streamed service of Holy Communion at 10:15am. If you are a church member you can access the registration link either via a home-group email during the week or through the weekly update on Thursdays. For visitors please contact the church office ( or call our intern at 980-253-8807 in order to register. You will be contacted about the protocols governing worshiping safely in community upon registration.
Saturday Evening Prayer Outside
On Saturday evenings through August we will hold an Evening Prayer service outside at 6:30pm in the parking lot of Knox Presbyterian Church. No registration is required, but the following protocols must be adhered to:
- Social Distancing (outside of families) must be followed. If interaction is within 6ft, masks must be worn.
- No singing unless masks are worn.
- If children cannot stay in their family’s area they must go to their car to ensure that social distancing is maintained appropriately.
Recommendations from a member of our church and a parent of young children who has attended an outside service (in NC):
- Bring a stroller and/or a pack-and-play, or…Layout a picnic blanket and enforce the blanket as the ‘safe zone’ and outside of it as a ‘no-go zone,’ or…
- Open the tailgate of your van, your sedan, or your truck and let your children sit in the tailgate – they’ll think it’s a fun adventure! And…
- Worship! God asks that our little children come to him; bring your children and don’t let it stress you. We are all a family here to support you and your family.
Tuesday and Thursday Evening Prayer
On Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:30am we will have Morning Prayer in the Church’s Children’s Chapel which has been reconfigured for this purpose. Morning Prayer is a short, worshipful service full of scripture and prayer.