Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry:

At its heart, the Christian life is a relationship that is sustained and deepened through personal communication with God and with one another- especially, through the disciplines associated with worship and prayer.  At Christ the Redeemer we value prayer highly.  We offer many different opportunities to participate in and deepen our life of prayer.

During the Service:

One of the laity weekly leads all of us in the ‘Prayers of the People’ and encourages all of us individually to offer our own prayers and petitions as our act of worship;

  • Additionally, during Communion we have a dedicated Prayer Team that is eager to pray with and for individuals for any concern – for themselves or for others.
  • Finally, each bulletin contains a ‘Prayer Card’ that may be used to request that our Staff Team pray for a particular concern you may have.


Every week the Staff Team prays over prayer requests given to them in confidence. Please contact Rev. Brian Campbell for further information.

Daily Office:

As an Anglican community we organize around the daily prayers of the church known as the Daily Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer. We meet at the Church on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30am for Morning Prayer,  Saturday nights at 5:30 during Advent and Lent for Evening Prayer, and at the Thomas family house on Mondays for Evening Prayer (email for more info).

Ad hoc:

Several times a year we gather for special times of prayer (or for teaching about prayer). These will be noted on our ‘Calendar’ of our web page as well as in the other avenues of communication associated with our community. These are open to all.