Dear Friends,

We are fast approaching Holy Week!

It is time now to set our intentions to be present to the work of the Spirit in and through our worship that week. Consider this: The Spirit is unleashed into the world through the agony of the Son, and through that unleashing gives birth to New Creation. The Story of Redemption, culminating in the pains of Holy Week, are best seen as the ‘Labor’ of God giving (re)’birth’ to his Creation. There are real ‘pains’ associated with Holy Week—costly pain, deadly pain—but they truly are the pains of birth, and thus, joy-filled, life-giving pains. We are meant to be part of that new birth, to be caught up in that new birth; and we can be, will be, if we too embrace the birth pains of Holy Week.

Let me remind us all once again of our Holy Week Schedule:

Passion Sunday, with the Liturgy of the Palms: Sunday, March 25, 10:15 am sharp.

Maundy Thursday, Dinner and Foot washing, Eucharist and Stripping of Chancel: Thursday, March 29, beginning at 6:00 pm

Good Friday, Meditations on John’s Passion: Friday, March 30, beginning at 6:00 pm.

The Day of Resurrection: Sunday, April 1, beginning at 10:15 am sharp.

Please be sure and RSVP to the Survey Monkey email you received concerning the Maundy Thursday dinner. If you did not receive the email, check you spam or trash folder, then please contact Amy in the office (, or 226-8700) so she may resend it to you.

Finally, some Pastoral news:

The Shellocks: Both Sarah and Luke are doing well and hope to be home today. Praise God for Luke’s safe arrival.

Hank Thompson shows great progress in his recovery at Bayside Rehabilitation (1004 Independence Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA). He would love to have some visits (today, for example, his afternoon is completely free, as is his evening). Please continue to pray for the dissolution of a blood clot, the continued stabilization of his blood pressure, and the return to normal of his other systems.

Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.