In this week’s Update you will find information on the following (more details on each of these below):
- Worship This Sunday
- Children’s Chapel
- Procedures for Holy Week
- Financial Giving
- Youth Netflix Watch Party
- Bulletin Insert
Worship This Sunday
For Palm Sunday, we will continue with the Live+Stream of services on Facebook and through our website. After we gather virtually, we will have three stations set up to receive Holy Communion and pick up pre-consecrated communion packages for use during our Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday services. The first station will be in the grass parking lot at Knox from 11:45am-12:30pm. The Chesapeake station is at the Branch’s home from 12:15-12:45pm. The Virginia Beach station is at the Beers’ home from 1:00-1:30pm.
Children’s Chapel
Join us for a virtual Children’s Chapel on Sunday mornings! Jennifer has created videos for the CtR children to participate in during the sermon section of our worship service. These videos can be accessed through the CtR Facebook page (in the videos tab) and the direct links will also be posted in the comments section of our live stream just before the sermon. She also is emailing families activity materials to complement her lesson.
During the week, she has set up challenges for the children to participate in – when we are once again able to gather, there will be a party for all to celebrate their achievements! The challenges will be posted on the CtR Facebook page every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Just complete the challenges and email your responses to Jennifer! (
Looking Ahead: Holy Week
We will be celebrating Holy Week virtually as a community this year. Our Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter services will be conducted on our Live+Stream. The schedule for services is:
- Palm Sunday: 10:15-11:30am (Holy Communion, at stations)
- Maundy Thursday: 7:00-8:30pm (Holy Communion, in home)
- Good Friday: 6:00-7:30pm
- Easter Sunday: 10:15-11:30am (Holy Communion, in home)
The Bishop has allowed clergy members to pre-consecrate the sacraments for distribution to individuals/families to be self-administered during Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday services. Please tune in to our Live+Stream to partake of this most holy meal together as one body. Most of you will have been contacted by your Home Group leaders or by Lea Hanna as to whether you would like to receive a home communion package. If you would like to participate and have not yet made that desire known, please contact the office at by NOON FRIDAY (tomorrow, 4/3/2020) for us to put you on the list. Please include your name, how many in your home will be receiving, and where you would like to pick up your package from on Sunday after service. If you are unable to come pick up Sunday, but would still like to receive, we will work with you on a delivery option.
Financial Giving
May we encourage you – as you are able – to continue our financial commitments to the church. The best two ways to do so are through our direct PayPal link (or visit our webpage at or to mail in your tithe to: Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church P.O. Box 9632, Norfolk, VA 23505.
The Clergy and Leadership Council are continuing to work on ways we can support one another financially, spiritually, and physically in these troubled days. Please let Brian+ or the Leadership Council know if you have, or know of any, needs within the church.
Youth Netflix Watch Party – TONIGHT!!
Get your popcorn ready: tonight, April 2, David+ will be hosting a virtual movie night for the Youth Group! They will be watching Nacho Libre starting at 7:30pm. David+ sent out the information to parents via Groupme. If your children are interested in participating and you are not already on the Youth Group parents’ Groupme, please send David+ an email at to be added.
Bulletin Insert
In order to add some normalcy to our Sunday/weekly routines, the Prayers of the People and Daily Office sections of our bulletin inserts will be included with the Weekly Update. Hopefully these help keep us diligent in praying for one another and reading the Word together.
If you have any new or updated prayer requests, please email or contact Brian+ or David+ directly.
“Almighty and everlasting God, in your tender love for us you sent your Son our Savior Jesus Christ to take upon himself our nature, and to suffer death upon the Cross, giving us the example of his great humility: Mercifully grant that we may walk in the way of his suffering, and come to share in his resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”
– Collect for Palm Sunday (BCP 2019)