Weekly Update for Sunday March 29, 2020

Please watch Brian’s Weekly Update Intro Live+Stream video on Facebook!

In this week’s Update you will find information on the following (more details on each of these below):

  1. Worship This Sunday
  2. Procedures for Holy Week
  3. Welcome Baby Seligman!
  4. Financial Giving
  5. Youth Netflix Watch Party

Worship This Sunday

Again this Sunday, we will continue with the Live+Stream of services on Facebook and through our website. After we gather virtually, we will have two stations set up to receive Holy Communion as we did last week. The first station will be in the grass parking lot at Knox from 11:30am -12:00pm. The second station will be in Chesapeake at the Branch’s home from 12:30 – 1:00pm.

***Brian+ will not be at church this week. David+ will be celebrating and A.J. Nolte will be preaching.***

Looking Ahead: Holy Week

We will be celebrating Holy Week virtually as a community this year. Our Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter services will be conducted on the Live+Stream. However, the bishop is allowing priests to pre-consecrate the sacraments to be distributed to individuals and families for them to self administer at the appropriate times during the Maundy Thursday and Easter services. We will provide more information concerning logistics next week. Please be preparing your hearts and minds for Holy Week and making a commitment to join in our communal life as much as you are able during this important season.

Welcome Baby Seligman!

Baby Joseph Walter Seligman was born on Friday March 20, 2020 at 7:00am. He is currently in the NICU at CHKD. He was able to move out of intensive care yesterday as his respiratory rate is becoming more stable. Please continue to be in prayer for this new member of our congregation and his family. If you would like to bless the Seligman’s with a meal, there is one date available on the Meal Train (Saturday April 18).

Financial Giving

Last week Brian+ asked us to continue to maintain – as we are able – our financial commitments to the church. The best two ways to do so are through our direct PayPal link (or visit our webpage at https://christtheredeemer.org/home/giving/) or to mail in your tithe to: Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church P.O. Box 9632, Norfolk, VA 23505.

The Clergy and Leadership Council are continuing to work on ways we can support one another financially, spiritually, and physically in these troubled days. Please let Brian+ or the Leadership Council know if you have, or know of any, needs within the church in the meantime. We will continue to update as methods and procedures are finalized.

Youth Netflix Watch Party

Get your popcorn ready: next Thursday, April 2, David+ will be hosting a virtual movie night for the Youth Group! They will be watching The Prince of Egypt starting at 7:30pm. David+ will send out the information to parents via Groupme. If your children are interested in participating and you are not already on the Youth Group parents’ Groupme, please send David+ an email at revdavidwatts@gmail.com to be added.

“Almighty God, you alone can bring into order the unruly wills and affections of sinners: Grant your people grace to love what you command and desire what you promise; that, among the swift and varied changes of this world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

– Collect for The Fifth Sunday in Lent (BCP 2019)

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