Weekly Update for Sunday May 3, 2020

In this week’s update you will find information on the following (more details on each of these below):

  1. Camp Booyah Registration
  2. Little Free Food Pantry
  3. Prayers for Guatemala Missions
  4. Bulletin Insert
  5. Financial Summary

Camp Booyah Registration

CtR Youth: registration for Camp Booyah ends TONIGHT! If you would like to attend this virtual camp, please sign up here on the camp website.

Little Free Food Pantry

As many of you might have seen, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has set up a “Little Free Food Pantry” in the grass parking lot at Knox. Please feel free to take what you need or donate non-perishable food items. Spread the word and let this be a blessing to our community!

Prayer for Guatemala Missions

Please keep Christo Mi Rentor in your prayers as Fr. Dana and Damaris are prayerfully considering how the church should respond to food shortages in Guatemala. Below is a picture of Guatemalans requesting food using a white flag. This is becoming a common symbol to request food in Guatemala, and food shortages are becoming a common problem all over the world. Lord, in your mercy – hear our prayer.

Bulletin Insert

Below is the Prayers of the People and Daily Office section of our bulletin insert for this Sunday. We encourage you to be in prayer for those listed and participate in the Daily Office.

***If you have any new or updated prayer requests, please email ctrsec@gmail.com or contact Brian+ or David+ directly***

Financial Summary

Financial Summary for March 2020

$29, 335/month,
96.8% of March budget
$28, 713/month
89.8% of March budget
Year to Date: $82,591 as of March 31
102.1% YTD budget income
Bank Balance: $209,171
($55,613 temporarily restricted)
($27,134 temporarily restricted)

“O God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd of your people: Grant that, when we hear his voice, we may know him who calls us each by name, and follow where he leads; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

– Collect for the Fourth Sunday of Easter (BCP 2019)