April 16 of Holy Week

Our Holy Week Journey continues tonight with the ‘Stations of the Cross’ service. We gather at 7:00 pm for this simple, reflective, and prayerful movement following the ‘Way of the Cross’. Please join us.


Then tomorrow evening, April 17 we gather at 6:00 pm sharp for our Maundy Thursday celebration. We begin with Dinner in our ‘Upper Room’ and the rite of the Foot Washing. Then we will process into the sanctuary for the Celebration of the Eucharist (the FIRST Eucharist) and end in the ‘Garden’ with the Stripping of the Altar.


On Friday we gather at 6:00 pm for our Good Friday service once again focusing on the ‘Seven Last Words from the Cross’. This is a wonderful way of marking and reflecting on the glory of the Cross. Read Seven Sayings of Christ by Hank Thompson. This is a reflection he wrote from last year.


On Saturday we need some folks to help us set up for Easter Day! We will gather at 10 am to decorate the sanctuary (put up the banners and set up the chancel etc).


On Easter Day, can I remind us all to bring in some fresh cut flowers from our gardens for the children to use to ‘Flower the Cross’.


Looking forward to an incredible Holy Week with all of you.

May God’s peace and grace be with us all.

Brian Campbell

Rector of Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church