Dear Friends,
In the middle of our Advent Season we continue to look back with gratitude and forward with anticipation.
First, the gratitude:
Welcome to our Two new Leadership Council Members: Pete Fraser and Charles Zimbrick-Rogers were acclaimed to the Leadership Council at our Annual General Meeting last Sunday. They join the team with the four remaining members, Janie Atwood, Clark Garvin, Doris Gomez, and Bruce Harper. Please pray for the Council as we meet for our initial meeting of the new year (‘Church Calendar’ year that is) on Saturday. As you do so, please give thanks for the years of service given to the church through their election to the Council by Rob Slaughter and David Snouffer.
Pledges for 2015. Thank you to all who have prayerfully given your financial pledge for 2015. Tom Duffey informs me that more than 50% of our recurrent givers (several of whom are ‘new’ givers) have acted on the Leadership Council’s request. I encourage those who have not yet had time to do so to take the time and make this an intentional act of faith – as well as a chance to listen for the direction of God concerning this vital aspect of our life. Remember too that we have covenanted ‘to give joyfully, sacrificially, and proportionally, using the biblical tithe as ‘our’ standard’.
Second, the ‘anticipation’:
The Third Sunday of Advent we welcome the Rev. Dan Waterman as our preacher. Dan is a chaplain with the Air Force stationed at Langley and a valued colleague in the ministry of the gospel.
Christmas Eve Service has been set for 4:30 pm on December 24. The children of the Sunday School will be presenting our ‘First Christmas Pageant’ of readings and song and costumes. We start with the decorating of our Christmas tree and end with singing of Silent Night. It is a great way to begin our Twelve Days of Christmas.
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.
Brian Campbell
Rector of Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church