January 21 Week of 3 Epiphany

Dear Friends

Can I ask you to do a ‘calendar check’ with me as we approach the month of February? Here are three dates to highlight on your calendar:

Sunday, February 1, 2015 we will hold our next POT LUCK LUNCH. This is a great way to have some fun and deepen our connections with one another. Plan now on staying for lunch and bring something to share.
Wednesday, February 18 is ASH WEDNESDAY and marks the start of our Lenten Season. We will gather at 6:00 pm that night for worship, including the ‘Imposition of Ashes’ (this also is the cue to remind you to bring in your ‘palm crosses’ from last year’s Palm Procession!).

Saturday, February 21 is the day we host our ‘Lenten Family Event’. As in the past, this event will be filled with fun, fellowship and preparation for Lent! Mark the date on your calendar now, the exact ‘time’ will be set shortly (but will include dinner!).

Mission Opportunity: Hank Thompson’s ESL class for Chinese international students and scholars attending ODU continues to thrive on Sunday afternoons. Hank has five students who would love to have a ‘Conversation Partner’ from CtR. If you have an hour to enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation with an eager partner, then please speak to Hank (hthompjr@gmail.com) or Stan Bustetter (varunner37@gmail.com).

Prayer Request: Our Leadership Council gathers for an organizational day this Saturday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please pray that God will quickly bond us together and form us (organizationally) for our year ahead.

Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.

May God’s peace be with us all.

Brian Campbell

Rector of Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church