January 29 Week of 4 Epiphany

Dear Friends

Can you believe that February is nearly upon us?
Here are some of the things you need to know about the week (and month) ahead:

‘Table Team Training’ takes place this Saturday, January 31 from 9:30 -11:00 am. If you have an interest in serving the worship of the community through the ‘hospitality’ surrounding the liturgical setting of the ‘Table’, then please join uson Saturday for some training. Open to all who are interested (even if it is to ‘find out what it is all about’).
Pot Luck Lunch takes place this Sunday, February 1 immediately after worship. Plan now on staying for some good food and conversation, and a chance to meet some new folks!  Plan also on bringing something to share.
‘Rwandan Mission’ Discussion will take place during the Pot Luck. If you are interested in helping CtR take the ‘next steps’ in the development of our relationship with Mbyo Church, our sister parish in the Diocese of Kigali, then pull up a chair at the ‘Mission’s Table’ and join in the conversation.
Ash Wednesday Service takes place on Wednesday, February 18 at 6:00 pm. Please make sure you bring in your palm crosses from last year’s Palm Sunday service. We will burn them and use the ashes to help start our Lenten Journey.
‘Lenten Family Event’ takes place on Saturday, February 21 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm. This is becoming an annual event at CtR – we will gather for some fun (the ‘talent show’ returns), fellowship (over a Pot Luck Supper), and preparation (for our Lenten season).  Mark your calendars now and invite a friend to join you.
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday.

Brian Campbell

Rector of Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church