Dear Friends
Just a few things to note before the holiday rush:
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I pray that whether you are travelling or celebrating from home that this season will be blessed and safe for all. I pray that the ‘peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds (and your homes) in Christ Jesus.’
Advent begins on Sunday. We begin another year this week centering liturgically on the Gospel of Mark. As in the past, we begin our Advent services with the ‘Lighting of the Advent Candles’. Please do your best to be on time for worship, seated and centered in God’s presence prepared for the beginning of the service.
‘Park Place School Christmas Project’: Sunday, November 30 is the deadline for bringing the supplies for the students into the church. The Sunday School children will be organizing the ‘gift bags’ during the service and the bags delivered to the school shortly thereafter.
Pledges for 2015: In our Membership Covenant we commit to ‘give joyfully, sacrificially and proportionally, using the Biblical tithe as our standard’. I encourage all of us to be intentional in this endeavor and to honor our Leadership Council’s request to inform us of your ‘intentions’. Please return your Pledge Card by Sunday December 7.
God’s peace and grace be with us all.
Brian Campbell
Rector of Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church