October 24 of Week 29 in Ordinary Time

Here is what you need to know this week:

Exploring Membership continues on Sunday at 8:30 am. We look at one of the defining aspects of Anglicanism: Prayer Book Spirituality.
‘City Changers Conference’ sponsored by the Focus Center at Park Place Methodist takes place next week – Thursday evening 7-9:30 pm; Friday morning 11 am- 2 pm, and Saturday morning, 8 am to 1 pm.  More information can be found on the bulletin board in the Fellowship hall. To register go to ‘https://www.eventbrite.com/e/comprehensive-community-transformation-conference-tickets-13180823197
Annual PEARUSA Network Retreat takes place November 20-22. In addition to the main teaching by Bishop Steve Wood of the Diocese of the Carolinas we have just received the list of workshops taking place during the retreat (which may just whet your appetite and prompt you to come). These can be found on the bulletin board in the Fellowship hall.
All Saints Day falls on November 2 this year. In addition to the Celebration of the Feast of All Saints we will participate in the baptism of Louisa Zimbrick-Rogers. We will also host our next Pot Luck Lunch that day so make plans now to come and bring something to share with your fellow-saints!
Local Mission Discussion Group hosted by our deacon, Nile Gomez, has been rescheduled to take place during the Pot Luck on Sunday November 2.  This will be the initial conversation of a much longer dialogue. You are encouraged to join in as you are able.
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday.
Peace be with you all.

Brian Campbell