The Christian life is a multi-faceted one: it centers itself in WORSHIP, it focuses itself in ongoing DISCIPLESHIP, it exists and is nurtured in COMMUNITY, it seeks to make a difference in MINISTRY/SERVICE, all of which informs and shapes our personal and communal contribution to God’s MISSION/VOCATION within and for God’s good Creation, in accordance with God’s Story.
In the light of this, let us all COMMIT ourselves to WORSHIP (weekly and daily), to a life of DISCIPLESHIP (plan now on attending ‘Discipleship Hour’ this fall), to the nurturing of COMMUNITY (Join a Home group this fall, or seek to go ‘deeper’ within an existing one), to finding our place for MINISTRY/SERVICE within the Body (our ‘Discipleship Hour’ this fall will help you do this), all the while seeking to be faithful to God’s CALL/VOCATION/MISSION with the whole of our lives.
Remember, GROWTH/TRANSFORMATION does not happen apart from a COMMITMENT to a VISION and the enabling presence of God. Let us embrace the VISION, make the COMMITMENT, and seek the enabling presence of God in the living of our lives this fall.
Here are some of the things you need to know as we head towards September:
First, “DISCIPLESHIP HOUR” returns on Sunday, September 10 from 9:00 am-10:00 am. The focus for the Fall will be on ‘Stewardship’ –both of our financial resources and of our gifts and talents. If the Story of Redemption results in the reclaiming and renewing of the STEWARD of GOD within the NEW CREATION of God, then gaining clarity on these things is vital for ourselves and for our vocation. More information on this will follow in the weeks to come.
Second, the Training for all volunteers in our Children’s and Family Ministry takes place either Saturday, August 26, or September 9 (both days begin at 9:30 am here at the church). Plan now on attending one of these sessions (and let Jennifer Brown know that you are coming!)
Third, Bishop Steve Breedlove will be with us (along with Sally) on the first weekend of October (the 6th through 8th). Mark your calendars now, and do your best to be present for the worship on Sunday (it is always a gift to welcome our bishop and to connect with the wider church). Bishop Steve will be officiating a service of Confirmation that Sunday. If you are desiring to be confirmed, please speak to me as soon as possible. If you have some questions about Confirmation, I will be holding a brief Q & A after worship on Sunday, August 27th. All are invited.
I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.