Week of September 11 of Pentecost

Dear Friends,

What a great and glorious weekend we have before us; the beginning of a great and glorious fall!

The Visit with our Bishop Steve and Sally Breedlove: Steve and Sally will be spending the full weekend with us and there are two opportunities for all of us to meet and greet them.

First, on Saturday night Janis and I will host a ‘Dessert and Coffee’ time at our home from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.  Our address is 1019 Manchester Ave, Norfolk 23508. All are welcome and encouraged to stop by and greet the Breedlove’s.

we have the honor of participating in the Ordination of Nile Gomez to the Order of Deacons on Sunday morning during our regular service. Please keep Nile and Doris in your prayers and plan on being early for worship this week.

International Student Ministry Beach Trip: David Snouffer informs me that there may be as many as 30 international students signed up for our ‘Beach Trip’ this Saturday and he is looking for a few more drivers! The plan is to meet in Gray’s Pharmacy Parking Lot (on Hampton Blvd. near 47th St) at 10:00 am and then car pool to the oceanfront. If you can help out on Saturday please email David soon at da.snouffer@verizon.net.

Baptismal Preparation: If you would like to explore baptism for you or your child please speak to Brian Campbell before Sunday. We have two dates set aside for baptisms this fall due to family travel schedules (The Shellock’s will be baptizing Ruby and Joey on October 19 and the Zimbrick-Rogers’ will do the same for Louisa on November 2).  We will combine the preparation for both baptisms in one set and those dates need to be determined soon.

Exploring Membership within Christ the Redeemer: If you are feeling drawn by the grace of God to become part of the Christ the Redeemer family, you are encouraged to participate in the Membership Class this fall. It will begin with dinner at the Campbell’s on Sunday October 5 and then continue on Sunday mornings (8:30 – 9:45 am) for the next six weeks (Child care will be provided for those who need it). Please speak to Brian Campbell or call the church office (226-8700) for more information or to register for the sessions.

Community and Study Groups: The Fall is a great time to join a Home/Community group or to participate in a Study group.  If you are interested in finding out more about our Home/Community groups please contact Lauren Gyorfi (757-321-3989 or Lauren_g_smith@yahoo.com) or Jennifer Brown (757-651-4644 or brownie7506@yahoo.com)

In addition we have three Women’s groups meeting this fall and one Men’s group:
Wednesday Evening Women: meet at Temple Richardson’s home(1510 S. Eleanor Court, Norfolk VA 23508) each Wednesday night. They will be studying the Book of Hebrews this fall. Contact Temple at 757-489-7805.

Thursday Morning Women: meet at the church on Thursday mornings (9:15-11:00 am). They are studying Tim Keller’s book, Walking through Pain and Suffering. Contact Janis Campbell at 757-284-8245.

Friday Morning ‘Mom’s of Young Children’ Group: meet at the church on Friday mornings this fall. Contact Emily Zimbrick-Rogers’ at 757-622-0757.

The Men’s Group: meets the first and third Saturdays of the month beginning October 4 at the church from 8;30- 10:00 am. We will be studying Peter Walker’s book The Jesus Way: The Essential Christian Starter Kit.  Contact Brian Campbell at 757-284-8246.

Some Housekeeping Issues:
I encourage us all to commit to wearing our ‘Name Tags’ on Sunday mornings as a simple way of expressing hospitality to our visitors (and as a great way to get to know some of the folks you know only by sight!). The tags are kept in the upper hallway opposite the Women’s Rest Room.

Our friends at Knox Presbyterian have requested that we remember to reserve the south side of 37th Street for the elderly who attend their 11:00 am service (that’s the side closest to the church building). Additionally, due to the work on the street they have asked to extend the number of slots reserved for their parishioners on the grass lot. Until further notice, the parking directly in front of their sanctuary will now be reserved for Knox (All other slots are open for our use. Please remember to park as closely as possible to enable the most efficient use of the space available).
Have a great week. I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.

Brian Campbell