Dear Friends,
Here are some important things coming up this week at Christ the Redeemer:
First, Family Game Night is this Saturday, April 16th at 6:30. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall, so bring your favorite board game and a snack to share. Contact Jennifer Brown at for more information. Hope to see you there!
Second, the meeting place for Men’s Group for this coming Saturday, April 16, 2017 has changed (for this week only). The group will meet at the Panera on 21st Street in Norfolk at 8:30 AM.
Third, we are currently in need of a few more people for the Usher Ministry. If you feel inclined or if God has put it in your heart to serve in this manner, please contact Clark Garvin at
Please see the following important message from Monica Fraser regarding Compassion Sunday:
Hello Christ the Redeemer Friends and Members–
Do you have a connection with a restaurant owner, caterer or super awesome friend who cooks, and who would be willing to donate food for this year’s Rwandan Mission dinner on May 1st? Please let me know!
At the mission luncheon we will be combining our annual Compassion outreach with a presentation on the next stage of our Mbyo School Project.
This past year your generosity helped transform the lives of 45 young children through Compassion and allowed us to fund the construction of a new facility with two school classrooms in Mbyo parish. You can see and read about that progress on the Mission page of CtR’s website here…
Rwandan School House Project
The CtR family pledged and raised over $15,000 toward the school project last year, and we want to build on the momentum of that success for the good of the children in our sister parish.
So, consider if you have a connection who could partner with us in making the dinner another great success. Please email me ( or call me with any ideas or questions you may have at 757-281-8480.
Thanks for your help!
Finally, here is a list of needed items to prepare us for our upcoming Vacation Bible School in June:
All white men’s ankle socks-50 pairs
Baby food jars with the labels removed
Battery operated tealight candles
Clear shower caps
Clear water bottle caps
Fish stickers
Glue dots
Soup cans (empty, standard size with the labels removed)
2 spools fishing line
Items can be dropped off in the church office or given to Jennifer on Sundays up until VBS. Thank you in advance!
I look forwarding to worshiping with all of you on Sunday.