Here are some things to be aware of this coming week:
Sunday, April 19: The Rev. Dan Waterman will be our celebrant and preacher this Sunday. Dan is a Chaplain with the Air Force currently serving at the base in Langley on the Peninsula and has been associated with Christ the Redeemer for the past few years.
Sunday, April 26: Compassion Sunday takes place on Sunday, April 26th. Our sister-parish of Mbyo in the Diocese of Kigali (Rwanda) is a ‘Compassion Church’, which means that it sponsors a ‘Compassion Project’ for the entire community. Compassion International is an amazingly effective movement for transformation. We will celebrate our connection with Compassion, with the children sponsored by our members, and have the opportunity to begin new relationships as well. Come with an open mind and heart, asking if God would have you enter into a sponsorship relationship with a remarkable child in Rwanda.
Sunday, May 17: ‘Rwandan School Project’ Lunch: takes place on May 17 following worship. Mark your calendars now and plan on attending this encouraging and informational event. Lunch will be provided that day.
‘Exploring Membership and Confirmation Within Christ the Redeemer’. If you find yourself drawn to our community and wish to explore deepening the relationship, we encourage you to consider participating in our ‘New Members’ class. If the numbers warrant, we will host a class beginning in May. Please speak to Brian+ soon. (, 757-284-8246).
Eastertide Thought: Remember the words of Peter: ‘Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up to salvation.’ Make sure you ‘fuel’ your longing for new creation today!