Our Lenten journey is approaching its appointed end—Holy Week—and I trust our anticipation for what God has in store for us is also growing. Here are some of the things to take note of this week:
Maundy Thursday: Thursday, April 13 beginning at 6:00 pm SHARP!
An Evite was sent out this week (let Georgia know if you did not receive it) and I encourage you to act on it soon. Take note that the dinner will be part of the worship service (and take place downstairs in Knox’ Fellowship Hall) so it is crucial that we do our best to be on time and ready to participate in the ‘Guided Conversation’ associated with the meal.
Following the meal, we will process upstairs to celebrate the ‘Last Supper’, and reflect on how Jesus transformed the Passover into the New Covenant meal of Holy Communion. We will end the service with the ‘Stripping of the Chancel’ and the ‘Vigil’ in the ‘Garden of Gethsemane’ (Note: the church will be open all night for those who wish to pray. A sign-up sheet is posted in the Fellowship Hall for those who wish to choose a particular hour to pray).
Good Friday: Friday, April 14 beginning at 6:00 pm.
We gather in our ‘stripped sanctuary’ to reflect on John’s Passion. We will read the entire Passion narrative and intersperse the reading with six personal reflections. Childcare for our nursery aged children will be provided.
Holy Saturday: Saturday, April 15 beginning at 9:00 am.
We will gather for Morning Prayer—focusing our attention on the reality and pregnancy of Jesus’ death! Then we will restore the sanctuary in all its glory in preparation for our Easter celebration. All are welcome to participate in this.
Easter Day: Sunday, April 16 beginning at 10:15 am.
We gather, with the women of the Passion, in darkness and hear the angel’s news that ‘The Lord is Risen!’, and then join in the celebration with ‘Angels and archangels, and all the host of heaven.’
We will be ‘Flowering the Cross’ once again, and request that you bring some cut flowers from your garden to give to the children who will perform this service on our behalf.
EASTERTIDE: The Great Fifty Days of Celebrating the Resurrection
We will be focusing our attention on a number of fronts during the Easter season:
“Discipleship Hour” Begins on April 30 and runs through June 25, 2017
Two options will be offered for adults (the youth and children programs will also continue):
“Exploring Membership at Christ the Redeemer”—This class is for all who are being led by the Spirit into deepening their relationship with our body. The class focuses on the Three Great Stories that shape our lives: The Gospel, The (Universal) Church, and that of our own community. Please speak to Fr. Brian if you plan on taking the class, or have any questions concerning it.
“Walk through the Bible”—The Scriptures not only ‘tell’ us ‘who we are’, but ‘shape’ us into ‘becoming who we were created to be’. To grasp the flow of the unified story and how best to ‘live into and by it’ is crucial to our life.
Sacrament of Baptism: Sunday, May 28, 2017
We will celebrate baptisms on the last Sunday of May. If you would like to be baptized, or have a child baptized, please speak to Fr. Brian by April 30th.
Reflection and Evaluation of Ministry:
As part of our ‘living into our re-newed vision’, the Leadership Council will focus on the health and well being of our existing ministries during Eastertide. Part of that will consist in helping each of us discover our gifts and the most appropriate place of service. Pray for this endeavor, and be prepared to participate in it as appropriate.
Finally, remember that our Saturday Evening Prayer Service continues (from 5:00 – 6:00 pm) for the next two weeks. If you have not had the chance to participate in one of these, please choose one or both of these last two offerings to fulfill your ‘Call to Prayer’ for Lent.
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.