The Week at Christ the Redeemer:
There is a great deal happening within, around, and through Christ the Redeemer these days. You will find below some important information concerning some Pastoral and Missional news, Ministry Opportunities, and Other Community news. Please read these carefully and prayerfully and respond accordingly.
First, Some Pastoral News:
• Charles Jenkins has been placed in Hospice Care in his home, with Carolyn and their family at his side. The family covets your prayers for Charles’ last days and will let us know of any other needs as they arise. Pray that in this, as in all things, God’s will is done and his Kingdom come.
• Sharon Reyes and her family continue to deal with stressful situations. Sharon’s sister-in-law, died last month, and now Sharon’s mother, Carol Kerk, has been diagnosed with cancer. Please pray for the family-and especially Sharon—in these difficult situations.Pray for God’s presence and grace, and for the direction and comfort of God’s Spirit.
• Charlie Watkins continues to rejoice in his healing, and in his continued recovery from his lung infection. This has been a profound spiritual time in Charlie’s life and he will be sharing some of his reflections with us on Sunday May 6. So, while we weep with those who weep, we also rejoice with those who rejoice, and entrust all of us into God’s keeping.
• Lydia Dorothy Kuenzli returned home for the first time lastweekend! If you would like to celebrate with the Kuenzli’s by participating in the ‘Take-Them-a-Meal’ program, please click here: Meal sign up for Kuenzli family
Some Missional News:
A great deal has been happening within Rwanda recently:
New Archbishop: The office of Archbishop is set for a period of ten years in Rwanda. Archbishop OnesphoreRwaje will be stepping down this year and Archbishop Elect Laurent Mbandawill be elevated to take his place. Pray for the transition of authority and for God’s grace and power to flow through Archbishop Laurent.
New Pastor for Mbyo: Bishop Louis informed us last month that Pastor Felicien Gatera has been moved to another parish and Pastor Eric(no last name yet provided!) has been chosen to lead Mbyo. We give thanks for the relationship we developed with Pastor Felicien and look forward to meeting and working with Pastor Eric in the future.
New Challenges for Kigali Diocese: Bishop Louis informed us of the impact of the government’s new mandate concerning the upkeep of current buildings (and especially with the removal of asbestos from all ‘common’ structures in Rwanda). The mandate impacts the city more than the rural areas and is proving to be a financial and administrative struggle for the diocese. Pray for +Louis as he seeks God’s guidance in this, and for our Leadership Council as we seek to discern how we might best aid in this concern.
• Park Place School Luncheon takes place on Tuesday, May 1 beginning at 11:30 a.m. Christ the Redeemer has had a close relationship with the school since it was reborn over 5 years ago. If you would like to discover for yourself what God is doing through this ministry, and how you might become involved in it yourself, then simply RSVP ( and plan on enjoying the lunch and silent auction.
• Home Group Leaders: Please remember to share with your groups the service opportunities presented to us by the Food Bank and Park Place School, and to inform Lauren Gyorfi of your group’s (degree of) interest in participating within them.
Some Ministry News:
• Children’s Ministry: Jennifer has posted an ‘Update’ on our children’s ministry for the month of May on our web site: Childrens Ministry May Newsletter. Please check this out at your convenience.
• Men’s Group meets this coming Tuesday, May 1 at Bruce Harper’s home (1049 Hanover Ave.) from 7-8:30 pm. If you have not been receiving Zach’s EVITE’s to these evenings, please let him know of your interest
• Youth Ministry Development: If you have an interest in seeing Christ the Redeemer develop a way of life that ministers effectively to and with our youth (and their families), enabling them to grow up into the full stature of Christ, then plan now on joining in on an initial conversation immediately following worship on Sunday May 6.
• Other Ministry Opportunities: As a growing community we are experiencing some ‘growing pains’ in the areas of Administration, Pastoral Care, Hospitality, and Communications. If you have an interest in any of these broad areas and some time to invest in the life of the church, please contact Amy ( or Brian+ (
Other News:
• Annual CtR Talent Show takes place on the Eve of Pentecost, Saturday, May 19th beginning with a covered dish supper at 5:45 pm. This has been a fun and intergenerational way of celebrating the multiple talents (both serious and silly) God has birthed within us. A great way of segue into the Celebration of Pentecost. For more information, or to ‘sign up’ your talent, contact Jennifer
• Search for Assistant Position continues. We hope to begin the second phase of interview later next week (or early in May). Please continue to pray for God’s guidance in this as in all things.
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.