Here are some things going on this week at Christ the Redeemer:
The new ‘Discipleship Hour’ session starts this Sunday beginning at 9:00 AM, but it’s not too late to sign up. Please let Fr. Brian know at if you are interested, or if you show up on Sunday, you will not be turned away.
Along with the continuing programs for the youth and children, we will be offering the following two options for adults:
‘Exploring Membership at Christ the Redeemer’: If you have been drawn by God into this community, and/or you have been considering being Confirmed into the Anglican Communion, then you are encouraged to participate in this class. (It is also open to any who wish to ‘refresh’ their memory of it!)
‘The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story’: The Scriptures are the ‘Story of the World’ and the foundation of our lives. We need to grasp the sweep of the Story, and how we are invited to live within it, if we are to become the people we were created to be. This promises to be one of the core courses of our developing catechetical process. All of us will at some time be encouraged to take it! All of us are encouraged to do so now! We will have several of the books for the class that can be loaned out, or if you would like to purchase a copy, you can do so at our bookstore here. CtR receives proceeds from books purchased from our bookstore.
Vacation Bible School is not too far off, so please sign-up to bring an item to donate for VBS. The sign-up is on the big poster board located on the door to the Fellowship Hall. We ask that all donations be brought in by Sunday, May 7th.
We are also in need of volunteers for the following two areas:
1. Someone to man the Mission site
2. Someone to operate the Games site
Contact Jennifer if you have any questions or for more information.
If you are missing anything or think you might have forgotten anything here at church, please check the “Lost and Found” basket on top of the cabinets in the back room off the Fellowship Hall. You can also check with Georgia for anything that might have been turned in to the office.
We are in need of Hospitality volunteers. No one has yet signed up for May! Please contact Ann McCord Harper for information.
I look forward to worshiping with all of you on Sunday.