Week of August 16

Dear Friends,
Here are some of the things you need to know as we prepare for this week and for the Fall season:


Dear Friends,
Fall is quickly approaching, which means it’s time to transition into our Sunday school program.  Summer Children’s Church was a huge success thanks to the willingness and dedication of our volunteer teachers this summer.  Thank you to all who participated in making this a summer to remember!
Fall is one of my favorite seasons; it reminds me of new beginnings.  This season, our Sunday school program will have some exciting new features!
  • We are adding a new K4-K5 class and two new teachers!  Sarah Skogland and Kris Keisser have volunteered to teach this class.  I am very excited about this new addition.
  • Brother Tim is also joining our program.  He will be working twice a month with our upper elementary and middle school classes.  The focus will be Communion and liturgical seasons.
We are happy and grateful to welcome back our returning teachers:  Kori Embry, Kandace Sherrill, Linda Richter, Debra Bustetter, Stan Bustetter, Kim Johnson, Georgia Maas, Christi Cirillo, and Chris Brown.  Please make sure you thank them for all the hard work they do.
Kandace Sherrill will be helping us kickoff the new year with a Sunday school breakfast during class time on August the 30th.  We really appreciate her taking this on again.  I look forward to working with all of your children.



I have the privilege of preaching at the Church of the Incarnation in Williamsburg this Sunday. Incarnation is the ACNA church plant on the Peninsula that we support (financially and spiritually) and this is a way of deepening our connection.  Dan Waterman will be present on Sunday to preach and celebrate.

LOOKING AHEAD:  Dates to Remember

  • Saturday September 5: Ice Cream Social and VBS Wrap-Up Celebration. All are welcome!
  • Saturday, September 26 and Sunday September 27: Tenth Year Anniversary Celebration (Dinner and Service).  Book the dates now and plan on joining in.
  • Saturday October 3: ‘Serve the City’. This is an opportunity to join other churches in serving Park Place in down-to-earth-practical ways. More information to follow.
Have a great week.