Dear Friends,
Can you fathom that we begin the month of August on Saturday? The summer seems to be flying by and the fall is not far off! Let me highlight some of the things – both near and far- that are on our horizon.
This Week:
- Men’s Group Breakfast – The men of the church are invited to share breakfast together this Saturday morning at Panera’s on 21st Street beginning at 8:30 am. All men of the Church are welcome (bring a friend along with you as well)!
- Some Strong Backs needed on Sunday: We are replacing the tile in one of our Sunday School rooms this coming week and need to clear the space of some heavy furniture. If a few able bodied folks can stick around after Fellowship time to help out, we’d appreciate it greatly.
Next Month:
- Ice Cream Social and VBS Recap takes place on Saturday, September 5. This will be a fun, inter-generational event that will help jump-start our fall season. Mark your calendars now and plan on joining in on the fun.
- Tenth Anniversary Celebration and Bishop Visit: On the weekend of September 25-27 we will celebrate our Ten years of life as a church and welcome Bishop Quigg Lawrence to our community once again. Plans are being finalized this month but we ask you to do your best to block out the Saturday evening and Sunday to make sure you are part of the festivities. More information will follow as plans are finalized.
- Sunday School Teachers are needed for the Fall. Please pray that God would raise up the right folks for this important ministry (and be open to the chance that ‘you’ may be an answer to that prayer!).
Looking Ahead:
- PEARUSA’s National Assembly takes place November 4-7 near Charlotte NC. This promises to be a wonderful time of teaching, fellowship, and networking for our young movement. We would love to have a good contingent from CtR benefit from the event. For more information check out website.
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday.
May we all be open to the prompting of the Spirit this day.