Rev. Campbell started his vacation this week. Please keep him and his family in your prayers that they me be nourished by leisure time.
Here are some of the headlines for the week:
WELCOME AND THANK YOU TO DAN WATERMAN AND CHARLIE WATKINS: This coming Sunday we welcome with much appreciation Dan Waterman and Charlie Watkins who will serve as celebrant and preacher, respectively. Thank you also to Janie Atwood who will assist with welcoming, introductions and announcements.
Emily-Louse Zimbrick-Rogers will be commissioned as our intern, completing her M. Div. from Princeton Seminary. Emily-Louise is already actively engaged in developing our ministries and mission.
Jennifer Brown will be commissioned to service as our new Director of Children and Family Ministry. Jennifer has provided an introduction letter which will be included as a bulletin insert this coming Sunday. Please read this carefully and give your support to Jennifer in the important work ahead.
There will be three separate meetings after worship: Jennifer will meet with parents of Sunday School-aged children; Mike Mabry will meet with parents of “Youth-aged” children and Brian will meet with Home/Small group leaders.
WEEKEND WITH BISHOP STEVE AND SALLY BREEDLOVE SEPTEMBER 12-14: Thank you to those who have helped with the planning for this visit by Bishop Steve Breedlove and his wife Sally. The Leadership Council and spouses will be joining the Breedloves for lunch on Saturday and we give thanks to the Atwoods who have offered their home for this occasion. On Saturday at 7:00 PM everyone is encouraged to attend a Coffee and Desert reception in the Fellowship Hall where there will be opportunity to meet and greet the Bishop and his wife. The visit will culminate on Sunday with a very special service that you will want to attend: the Ordination to the Deaconate of Nile Gomez.
NAME TAGS AND NEWCOMERS: Please remember to wear your name tag. They are now located just inside the double doors leading to the hallway. Please also continue your welcoming presence to visitors and offer gentle encouragement that they complete one of the Welcome To Christ The Redeemer contact cards. If your name tag is missing or damaged, please leave a note or call the office: 757.226.8700.
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) TO RESUME IN SEPTEMBER: Thank you to Hank Thompson who will soon be providing more information about how you can support this important program.
RENOVATIONS UPDATE: A big thank you to all the people who have helped with the extensive renovations over the summer. There are still a few finishing touches being worked on. If you are able to do so, please ask around after services on Sunday to see if any helping hands are still needed to relocate small, light-weight furniture.
As Rev. Brian said in last week’s email:
Let us be prayerfully expectant as we come to the end of the summer.
Let us be open and responsive to the Spirit’s prompting and leading.
Let us always be about seeking the King and the extension of his Kingdom!
May the peace of God be with us all.