Here are some of the things you need to know about as we head into late August:
First, Our ministry of hospitality for International Students (specifically ODU’s Chinese students and visiting scholars) has another opportunity available to us. Here is a note from David Snouffer:
On September 3rd, the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, we will join the Chinese Association for a trip to the Virginia Beach oceanfront, primarily for the newly arrived students but for other Chinese students and scholars as well. We will meet near campus, and the event will last from about 10 till 3. (Please contact David for more information–
Second, A word from Jennifer: Sunday, August 28th will be our kick-off for the 2016-17 school year. The kids will be singing during the service, and they will receive a blessing from Fr. Brian to start off the new school year. We will also have our annual “Back-to-School” breakfast during the regular Sunday School time. We ask that everyone pray for our school aged children as they head back to class.
Third, “Exploring Membership at Christ the Redeemer”. If you are new to our community and are feeling the nudge of the Spirit to become ‘one-with-us’, then I encourage you to participate in our New Members’ class that will take place in October. Please speak to me personally, or email me (
Fourth, “Considering Confirmation”. Bishop Steve Breedlove (and his wife Sally) will be with us the weekend of October 7-9. The highlight of the weekend will be our worship on Sunday which will include baptisms and confirmations. If you have become a member of Christ the Redeemer and would like to consider becoming ‘confirmed’ in the Anglican tradition, then please come to an exploratory conversation after worship on Sunday, September 11.
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.