Week of August 28

This Week at Christ the Redeemer:
The summer is quickly waning (though the temperatures may belie that) and the fall is fast approaching. Here are some things to know this week about what’s happening within Christ the Redeemer:
First, our ‘Back-to-School’ Kick-off Event for our Sunday School takes place this Sunday, August 28th.  The children will be sing a song as part of the worship and will enjoy a ‘Back-to-School’ Breakfast during Sunday School time. We will have a chance to bless them and their teachers as they begin another year of growth and learning.
Second, our ‘Annual Beach Trip’ with the ODU Chinese Student Association takes place on Saturday, September 3.  If you are looking for a fun way to connect with some newly arrived students then this is for you. Please contact David Snouffer for further information (da.snouffer@verizon.net)
Third, Bishop Steve and Sally Breedlove will be with us the weekend of October 7-9. If you or your child wish to be baptized on that Sunday, please speak to me as soon as possible. If you would like to consider being confirmed that Sunday, I encourage you to attend a brief meeting after worship on Sunday, September 11.
Fourth, we will offer our ‘Exploring Membership at Christ the Redeemer’ in October this year (Three Saturday mornings, October 1, 15, and 29).  If you are interested in exploring deepening your connection with this community, I encourage you to participate in the sessions (speak to me personally, or contact me –Brian@ChristtheRedeemer.org). If you wish to hear more about the course, I invite you to a brief meeting after worship on Sunday, September 18.
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.