Here are some of the things you need to know this week:
First, we have two New Members on our Leadership Council: On Sunday past we elected Pete Fraser and Paul Gyorfi to a three year term on the Leadership Council; for Pete, this will be his second tour of duty, for Paul, his first. They join Kim Johnson, Bill Richter, Bob Atwood, and Ryan Reyes as our representatives on this leadership body. Please continue to uphold these in prayer as they take on their responsibilities for our growing community.
Second, our Advent Season continues this Saturday night with Evening Prayer beginning at 5:00 pm followed by a Covered Dish supper for those who desire to stay for fellowship. These have been wonderful evenings of prayer, teaching, and fellowship-ones which deepen and enhance our preparations for Christmas. I commend them to all of us.
Third, A Word about our Christmas Season:
Sunday, December 24 will be a busy one for us. In the morning we will gather for the concluding service of our Advent Season, then in the afternoon we will return to begin our Christmas celebrations with our Christmas Eve Service beginning at 5:00 pm. The day which will begin in anticipation promises to end in joy-filled celebration!
Fourth, If you plan to make a year-end gift, it must be received or postmarked by December 31, 2017 to be included in this year’s giving statements.
Fifth, A Pastoral Word. Kori Embry’s grandmother, Charlotte, died this week in Honolulu, HI. Please pray for Kori and her family as they mourn this loss for their family (especially at this time of year).
Finally, A Word about Staffing. Carole Rosenfarb, who has been leading our music ministry for the past year, will be leaving us as of Christmas Eve. Carole’s hire was always for a ‘time’, and with the opportunities and challenges facing the church, this is the time for this season to end. We are grateful for her leadership and her participation in the gospel in and through her gifts and person. We pray God’s blessing on her and her family in the new year.
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.