In this week’s Update you will find information on the following (more details on each of these below):
- Annual General Meeting
- Discipleship Hour Change
- Advent Worship
- Youth Group Events
- Women’s Retreat
- “Holy Land Tour” Info. Session
- Advent & Christmas Season Schedule
Annual General Meeting
The congregation is invited and encouraged to attend our Annual Congregational Meeting this Sunday, in the Fellowship Hall, right after the worship service. It will be a covered dish lunch, so please bring a dish to share. This will be a time to reflect on all that God has done at CtR in 2019, and prepare for what’s to come in 2020. It will include an update on local and global missions, as well as the election of three new Leadership Council members: one for a 1-year term, and two for a 3-year term. This is a very important meeting, especially for members and regular attenders. Please plan to attend!
Discipleship Hour Change
To help prepare for our Annual Meeting, we have moved this Sunday’s Discipleship Hour class into the main office space, instead of the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to attend this special Advent-themed class at 9:00am! There will be materials provided for you to take home and use as an individual, or with your family.
Advent Worship
During each Sunday in Advent, it is very important to be seated in the Sanctuary by 10:15am. We will begin the service in the darkness and then have the “Lighting of the Advent Wreath”. Please plan to arrive early so that you are seated and prepared for worship by 10:15am.
Youth Group Events
Save the date for the following youth events:
- Youth Social on December 14th, 2pm – 5pm. It will be a fun night of ice skating at Chilled Ponds Ice Sports Complex in Chesapeake, and then cookie decorating at the church! All youth in grades 5th-12th and their friends are invited and encouraged to attend. Parents, look for an Evite by the end of the week.
- New Year’s Eve Bash with The Mission Church on January 5th. More details to come soon!
Women’s Retreat
CtR’s Annual Women’s Retreat is coming up on February 21st – February 23rd, 2020, at Chanco at the James Retreat Center. Grab a brochure from the Welcome Table for more information, and to register. The registration form and $60 deposit is due next Sunday, December 15th, and can be placed in the offering basket.
“Holy Land Tour” Info. Session
Fr. Brian and Janis Campbell are organizing a trip to Israel in 2021 to tour the “Holy Land”! If anyone interested in learning more about the trip, there will be an informational meeting on Sunday, December 15th at the Campbell’s house (7324 Elvin Court, Norfolk). The meeting will be right after the worship service, over a light lunch. Please email Janis at if you plan to attend.
Advent & Christmas Season Schedule
- “The Longest Night” Service – Saturday, December 21st, 7:00pm
- Christmas Eve Service – Tuesday, December 24th, 4:45pm (decorating) and 5:00pm (service begins)
- Christmas Day Service – Wednesday, December 25th, 9:00am
- First Sunday of Christmas: Lessons and Carols: Sunday, December 29th, 10:15am (no Discipleship Hour)
“Blessed Lord, who caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and the comfort of your holy Word we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”
– Collect for The Second Sunday in Advent (BCP 2019, p. 598)