Here are some of the things you need to know this week.
First, our first Regional Gathering for the Diocese of Christ our Hope takes place this week ini Raleigh NC (Thusday for clergy, Friday for Ministry leaders, Saturday for all interested in the direction of the diocese). We have at least 10 from Christ the Redeemer attending (and perhaps as many as 13). Please pray for God’s favor to be on the gathering and for the strengthening of relationships and ministries.
Second, Charlie Watkins will be preaching on Sunday— ‘Stewards of Living Water’ is the title of his sermon. Pray for Charlie as he prepares to share from the word, and come prepared to grow in your stewardship of God’s living water.
Third, our Lenten preparation kicks up in earnest this month with our ‘Lenten Preparation Event’ on Saturday, February 25 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. We will gather to have some fun (Talent show), share a meal (Pancake Supper–please sign up to bring a side or some drinks), and some instruction on how to use Lent to grow in Christlikeness this year.
Fourth, speaking of Lent. If you are looking at growing in your understanding of the Season of Lent and how to get the most out of if, let me highly recommend two books.
The first is by a friend of mine, Aaron Damiani, The Good of Giving Up: Discovering the Freedom of Lent (Moody, 2017). This is by far the best (and most accessible) introduction to the wonder of Lent that I have ever read. Buy it NOW, and you will be led into your best Lent yet!
The second recommendation is Tish Harrison Warren’s book, Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life (IVP, 2016). I met Tish at the Anglican Symposium on the Family last fall and am almost through her book as I write. Again, I cannot recommend it highly enough. It will teach you to live intentionally and liturgically through the mundane and the ordinary (where we spend most of our waking hours), in a way that leads us to Christ-likeness.
—If you are looking for something more substantial, let me recommend (again) J. A. K. Smith, You Are What You Love. Smith’s book is a more accessible reworking of his Desiring the Kingdom and Imagining the Kingdom (both more academically oriented). Smith’s work continues to be one of those seminal works for a generation. Again, highly recommended.