The second week of Lent is when the excitement of ‘new beginnings’ begin to wane and the realities associated with ‘new practices’ begin to rise up. Now is the time to reaffirm your Lenten commitments and ask for the grace to see them through. Rejoice, you are now developing the virtues of patience and endurance.
Here are some of the things you need to know this week:
First, Our Congregational Meeting takes place this Sunday, February 25 from 5:00 -7:30 pm. Thank you to all who RSVP’ed (and to those who have NOT, please do so today!). We ask that we come prayerfully to our time together, eager to discern the movement of God among and within us corporately.
Second, a Mini-Work Day has been set for this Saturday, February 24 beginning at 9:00 am. The renovation of our new space is complete, and it is time to move our offices to their new quarters and the Nursery to our ‘old’ office space. If you can spare an hour or two this Saturday we’d appreciate it greatly.
Third, Our Agricultural Project in Mbyo, Rwanda continues to be blessed. We have received the latest report and posted it on our website. Please take a moment and read the report, click here, then stop and give thanks for the joy of participating in this work of God.
Fourth, ‘First Communion’ and ‘Baptismal’ Preparations: Easter is a great time for baptisms and for deepening our children’s understanding of the means of grace in and through communion. If you desire to be baptized, or to have your child baptized, please speak to Brian+ directly. If you have a child between the ages of 7 and 10 who have not yet received our ‘First Communion Training’, please speak to Jennifer Brown.
Fifth, some news regarding Hank Thompson. Hank continues to recover from his major heart surgery and expects to be transferred today (Thursday, February 22) to the rehab facilities at Harbor’s Edge, Norfolk (just across the street from Sentara Hospital). He is grateful for your prayers and eager for (some) visits. Please call Hank on his cell phone (757-277-4059) to arrange a time to see him (so as not to catch him in a therapy session).
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.