Even as Punxsutawny Phil has seen his shadow and is predicting six more weeks of winter, the season of Lent is nearly upon us! Here are some things coming up here at Christ the Redeemer:
The Leadership Council has given the green light to a trip to Mbyo this summer. More details to follow. If you might be interested in joining the trip, please see Rob Slaughter or Father Brian. In addition, monies for the Mbyo School Project are now expected to reach their $17,500 goal in pledges, with $13,621 of that collected as of January 29th. The second phase of the school project, the construction of a second classroom building, can now begin. Praise God for allowing us this opportunity to serve the children of Mbyo parish!
In preparation for Lent, there are a couple of things to make note of in the coming weeks:
February 25th at 5:00 PM is our Lenten Intergenerational Night and Talent Show. We’ll be serving pancakes and we ask that everyone bring a side dish complimentary to pancakes to share. For more info contact Jennifer Brown at brownie7506@yahoo.com.
Ash Wednesday is March 1st. Please remember to bring in your palm crosses from last year so we can burn them for the ashes. You can leave them in the basket on the table in the Narthex.
Registration for the Women’s Retreat has begun. This year, it will again be held at Chanco on the James, a beautiful and peaceful location in Spring Grove, Virginia. Registration forms are located on the table in the Narthex. Please fill out your registration form and return it to Janie Atwood with a $60 deposit as soon as possible. Make checks payable to Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church.
CtR is putting together a men’s softball team to play in the City of Norfolk. If interested in signing up, please email Steven Dickens at stevendickens548@gmail.com. Also, if you would like to order a shirt, you can go to this website: https://www.customink.com/g/mmw0-00av-y34k
There is another Home Group starting soon. If you are looking for a group that combines fellowship and study, this may be for you. Please contact Kris Keiser (krissppie@gmail.com) for more information. (Note: the group plans to meet every other Monday night).
Hospitality Sign-ups: Please sign up on the dry erase board in the back room (what used to be the Ping Pong room). We still need people for February!
I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.