Now that our annual snow storm has come and gone, we can begin to set our sights on living into this new year! Here are some of the ways you can make a significant new beginning in your life and family:
First, Commit to a way of life that – by the grace of God – leads to transformation: A life of faithful WORSHIP (weekly and daily), a life of faithful COMMUNITY (deepening your connection with the Body of Christ), and a life of faithful DISCIPLESHIP (opening yourself to the Word of God), a life of faithful LIVING (finding your place in the Story of God within the “world” He has given you). These are the practices that open us to the transforming presence and grace of God. Renew your commitment to them and awaken your expectations for the new year.
Second, Commit specifically to participate in our “Discipleship Hour” this year.
We begin this Sunday at 9:00 am our “Walking Through the Catechism” of the Anglican Church of North America. This will not only strengthen our own “walk with God,” but give us the resources and confidence to help others do the same. I especially encourage parents of young children to participate in the class; the future faithfulness of your children depends in part upon your ability to nurture them in their own faith.
Third, Take advantage of these other opportunities for growth and involvement:
February promises to be a busy but fruitful month:
February 2-4 – Our Women’s Retreat takes place at the Oceanfront (contact Janie Atwood for more details). The deadline for payment of all fees is this Sunday, January 14.
February 8-10 – Our Diocese hosts our Annual Regional Retreat in Raleigh, North Carolina. This weekend is open to all and offers multiple opportunities for learning, training and networking. More details to follow shortly.
February 16 or 17 – We will host our “Congregational Meeting” we spoke of at our Annual General Meeting in December. This evening (day and time to be determined shortly) will give the Leadership Council the opportunity to share with you all that God has been stirring up within us this past year. Together, we seek to respond to all that God has in store for us. Look for an “Evite” to the event soon, but plan now on participating in the event.
I look forward to studying and worshiping with you on Sunday.