These winter storms seem to become more frequent these days—at least this one is not happening on a weekend! Be safe on the roads (I can tell you they are slippery). Let me fill you in on what is happening around Christ the Redeemer these days:
First, news about our ‘Epiphany Play’—what was supposed to be the crowning glory of our Christmas Season has had to be re-scheduled once again due to storms (and the ‘cast’s’ schedules!). The children will perform the play for us immediately following worship on Sunday, January 28. Please mark your calendars now and plan on enjoying the children’s presentation.
Second, ‘Walking Through the Catechism’—our Adult offering during ‘Discipleship Hour’ continues this week on Sunday at 9:00 am. We had over 25 people come to our first session last week and there is room for more. Our aim is to become familiar with this new tool for discipleship, so that we may not only deepen our own living of the faith, but be equipped to invite others into living it with us. I encourage you to carve out the time this winter/spring to immerse yourself in this journey of faith.
Third, Our new Leadership Council gathers on Saturday, January 20 for a day of prayer and planning for the year ahead. Please pray for us as we gather (Council members: Pete Fraser, Bob Atwood, Kim Johnson, Bill Richter, Ryan Reyes, Paul Gyorfi; Ad hoc members: Janie Atwood-treasurer; Sharon Reyes-Diocesan Council representative; Brother Tim, and myself), that we may bond as a council and discern the movement of the Spirit for this place at this time.
Fourth, February promises to be a busy but blessed month. Here are some of the dates to keep in mind:
February 2-4 — Our Annual Women’s Retreat (at the Oceanfront) February 8-10— Our Annual Diocesan Southeast Regional Retreat, Greensboro NC (you can find all the details on our diocesan web site— February 14—Ash Wednesday begins our Lenten season (yes, and coincides with Valentine’s Day!) – which reminds us all it is now time tobring in any palms from last year to be used in our Ash Wednesday service. February 16-18—We will be convening our ‘Congregational Meeting’ we spoke about in December at our Annual General Meeting. Details as to the day and time will be sent out early next week.
Finally, Pastoral News: I have some good pastoral news to report. Charlie Watkins’ cancer treatments continue, but the mid-term results are most encouraging. Charlie and Blythe head to Boston next week to consult with doctors. Please continue to keep them in your prayers and give thanks for the healing that is taking place even now. Also, for those who haven’t yet heard, Charles Kello’s mother, Sybil, went home to heaven Saturday, January 13. Her memorial service will be held 2:00p.m. Thursday, January 25 at Kempsville Baptist Church (5204 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach). We mourn her loss even as we rejoice that she is truly home.
I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday.