Week of January 27th, 2019

I hope you all are staying warm and dry despite the crazy weather!

Here are some updates and exciting events to keep on your radar for the week ahead:

  • Contagious Hospitality: The Power of Relational Witness to Transform Lives Training this Saturday, 9:30-11:30am. This training will include our very own David and Diane Condron, as well as Doug Chandler (Assoc. Prof. of Christian Formation and Leadership). It will be held at the GLOBE: 1241 W. 43rd St. (on ODU campus in Norfolk). Please RSVP to Kathy Hardison at kathyhardisonis@gmail.com (RSVP is due today, so please let her know if you can make it as soon as possible).
  • One of our neighbors is still in need of a bed, box spring, and dressers. If you are willing to donate one or more of these items, please contact Deacon David at david@christtheredeemer.org. Thank you!
  • DISCIPLESHIP HOUR is in full swing, but it is not too late for you to join a class! All of the following Discipleship Hour classes begin at 9:00am.
    • Exploring Membership at Christ the Redeemer (in Office Space): If you are new to CtR but believe that God may be uniting you to, and with this community, you are encouraged to come and discover the context for ‘who’ and ‘where’ we are as a community of faith.
    • Survey of the New Testament (in Fellowship Hall): The Story of the Scripture is not only the ‘Story of the world’, but, the ‘Story of OUR lives’!  In order to live out of this story we need to deepen our knowledge of it. This class will offer an entry level overview of the New Testament.
    • For Youth: David Watts and the Youth Team will lead a Youth Discipleship Hour. All youth 6th grade to 12th grade are invited to come and interact with the scope of scripture and church history up until today.
    • For Children: Toddlers through fifth grade will continue exploring the Jesus Storybook Bible. The Children’s Choir will meet the last 15 minutes each week.
  • 2019 Diocesan Regional Retreat: the Diocese of Christ Our Hope will hold its Southeast region retreat on February 7th-9th in Raleigh. The registration for the retreat closes on Thursday, January 31st. If you are planning on going, please let us know by sending an email to our office at ctrsec@gmail.com. Or if you need more details and want to register, see the Diocesan website: www.adhope.org/2019-regional-retreats .
  • Last, but certainly not least, please be praying for the Eighth Annual Women’s Retreat coming up this weekend, February 1st-3rd. The topic will be Leaning Into the Uncomfortable, with Ann McCord Harper, Casey Reed, and Temple Richardson as the speakers. Please keep the Retreat Planning Committee, the three wonderful speakers, and the women attending in your prayers!


Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.