Week of January 8—First Sunday After the Epiphany

Dear Friends,
What a weekend we have in store for us!  As we prepare to live into our new ‘Discipleship’ and ‘Worship’ schedule, we also brace ourselves for our first named winter storm—Helena!
As of today (Thursday) we will plan on carrying on as scheduled—
  • 8:30 am                Coffee, Juice and Pastries
  • 9:00 am                ‘Discipleship Hour’
  • 10:15 am             Worship: ‘The Baptism of Jesus’.
If the church loses power before Sunday, or if it is obvious that travelling will be too dangerous, we will cancel all events on Sunday.
If power is maintained and the streets are passable, we will gather as usual.  I will endeavor to let you know as soon as possible how things stand around the church. You will then need to make your own judgement as to how best to proceed.
Some other important things you need to know:
The treasurer is preparing the 2016 Contribution Statements this week. If you would like to have your statement emailed to you, please send an email to Janie Atwood at maryjaneatwood@gmail.com today. Otherwise, your statement will be ready for pick up at church this Sunday, January 8. Any statements that are not picked up or emailed will be mailed.
If you are looking for a way to serve and would like to serve on Sundays during Worship, then please consider being an Usher.  Usher duties consist of greeting incoming worshipers and helping during the Offertory and Communion.  Please contact Clark Garvin at clarkgarvin@cox.net for more information.
Registration for the Women’s Retreat has begun.  This year, it will again be held the weekend of April 21-23 at Chanco on the James, a beautiful and peaceful location in Spring Grove, Virginia.  Registration forms are located on the table in the Narthex.  Please fill out your registration form and return it to Janie Atwood with a $60 deposit as soon as possible.  Make checks payable to Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church.
Two new Women’s Bible Studies are starting up for the New Year:
  • Wednesday evenings @Temple Richardson’s house at 7 PM, beginning on January 18. This group is open and welcomes new members.  There will be a Fellowship Potluck to start off the New Year at Betsy’s house. Please contact Temple at 489-7805 or t.richardson@cox.net for more information.
  • Thursday Morning in the Fellowship Hall here at CtR at 9:15 AM, beginning on January 12. This group is open and welcomes new members.  They hope to have child care for mothers of young children.  Please contact Janis Campbell at janiscampbell58@gmail.com.
Assuming the weather will not be as poor as predicted, I look forward to worshiping with (many) of you on Sunday.