Some things to be aware of:
Father Brian is away until June 26th. If Pastoral care is needed during this time, please contact Brother Tim Luken, or the church office.
Men’s Meeting
All men of CtR (and visitors!) are invited to meet Tuesday, July 24th from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the home of Bob Atwood (1025 Cambridge Crescent, Norfolk). Be on the lookout for an Evite in your email inbox in the next week or so. If you have any questions, contact Zach Kuenzli
August Congregational Gathering
This Summer, instead of a week of Vacation Bible School for our children only, we will be offering “Spiritual Formation Through Family Worship,” August 6th-9th, which is open to everyone, regardless of age or family status. See the special insert in this week’s bulletin and take it home for your ‘fridge or calendar. Please add your name to the sign-up sheets in the Fellowship Hall, reserve the dates on your calendar and plan to participate in this exciting opportunity. Contact Jennifer with any questions.
Intercessory Prayer Meeting
There will be no Intercessory Prayer on Wednesdays in July and August. If you are interested in participating in this vital ministry please let Brian know the best time and day you can meet, so he can plan a time which is good for all those interested.
Name Badges
As our congregation grows, it is good to wear our name badges on Sundays as a way to welcome newcomers and get to know each other. If you do not see your name on a badge in the baskets, please contact Anne Reed Harper, or Amy at the CtR office, and one will be made for you.
New Assistant Update
Our new Assistant to the Rector, Rev. David Watts, has found a place to live and will be moving to Tidewater July 30th to begin his work with us August 1st. Thanks to the generosity of a number of CtR members, we have been pledged all the furniture for his office; Thank you!