Here are just a few items to be aware of this week:
Men’s Meeting
All men of CtR (and visitors!) are invited to the home of Bob Atwood (1025 Cambridge Crescent, Norfolk) this coming Tuesday, July 24th from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. for refreshments, conversation, and prayer. There will be a short discussion focused on the Gospel reading from the Daily Office (Matthew 26:47-56) and Question #60 from the ACNA catechism. We’ll close with Compline prayer. If you have any questions, contact Zach Kuenzli .
Sign-up for August Congregational Gathering
Please add your name to the sign-up sheets on the flip chart for our Summer special event. This Summer, instead of a week of Vacation Bible School only for our children, we will be offering “Spiritual Formation Through Family Worship,” August 6th-9th, which is open to everyone, regardless of age or family status. Please read the special insert in this week’s bulletin, take it home for your ‘fridge or calendar, reserve the dates and plan to participate in this exciting opportunity.
Gap-Year Opportunity
The ACNA is offering a “gap year” program for high school graduates. Participants will live in community in Pittsburgh, PA five months while receiving in-depth discipleship training and hands-on ministry experience. They will then serve with one of ACNA’s overseas partners for 4-6 weeks in Thailand, in the mountains of Chiang Mai. The year ends by traveling to churches throughout the US to share the story of God’s work, witness how ACNA churches are engaged in their communities, and encourage their participation in His kingdom. For more information go to the ACNA site.
Intercessory Prayer Meeting
There will be no Intercessory Prayer on Wednesdays in July and August. If you are interested in participating in this vital ministry please let Brian know the best time and day you can meet, so he can plan a time in the Autumn which is good for all those interested.