Week of July 29, 2018

Just a few, but important, items for this week:


Move-In Help

David Watts, our soon-to-be Assistant to the Rector, arrives Monday, July 30th to move into his new apartment. If you are able to help, please meet at Hague Towers (330 West Brambleton Avenue, Norfolk) around 2 p.m. Monday to welcome, support him and help him unpack.  There will also be a reception after the service August 5th to welcome him to our community.

Sign-up for Our August Congregational Gathering

Add your name to the sign-up sheets on the flip chart outside the Sanctuary for our Summer special event, which starts in two weeks: “Spiritual Formation Through Family Worship,” August 6th-9th, is open to everyone, regardless of age. For more details, read the special insert in the Sunday bulletin, reserve the dates and plan to participate in this exciting opportunity to deepen our relationships with each other, learn ways to enliven our home worship times and better incorporate what happens on Sunday mornings into the rest of the week.